A neuro-psychology / trauma-informed based approach to yoga movement
Discover the ultimate sensory journey in our exclusive 'Snoezelen-inspired' room, where classes are not only elevated by the healing and rejuvenating aura of a far infrared sauna but are also optimally heated to 31.5 degrees Celsius. This temperature range enhances the sensory experience, ensuring a comfortable yet immersive environment conducive to relaxation and rejuvenation.

Discover the ultimate sensory journey in our exclusive 'Snoezelen room’ setting, where classes are elevated by the healing and rejuvenating aura of a FAR Infrared sauna.
SNOEZLEN, derived from Dutch meaning "to explore and relax," refers to a multi-sensory environment designed for safe and controlled sensory engagement. Beneficial for individuals with autism, developmental disabilities, dementia, or brain injuries, these rooms create therapeutic spaces combining lighting, aromas, colours, textures, and sounds. This approach enhances communication, increases awareness and understanding of surroundings, and improves behaviour and mood. Particularly effective in dementia care, Snoezelen Rooms calm aggressive behaviour and reduce tension, making them valuable in diverse therapeutic contexts.